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Why Boys Kill Other Students

We have to know why boys kill other students before we can understand what we need to do to stop that from happening. That's a simple statement that we as a country are having a hard time understanding. If we don't understand the problem, it's not going to get fixed anytime soon.

There is a reason why this country uses young men as Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. One important reason is that they can be trained to kill the enemy. Many young men that volunteer for service are not afraid to die for their country. Part of our male adolescents is being unafraid of death. Maybe that's why male automobile driver have insurance through the assigned rise program until they are twenty-five years old. Terrorist use the same young people to carry their bombs. Their training is a form of brain washing. How do they know who to kill? It's the training that tells them who to kill.

Back in my day, we had cowboys with white and black hats and all those World War II movies showing us fighting the bad guys. Our black and white today is a little gray. Discipline in the schools is non-existent. Maybe that's why we did all of our fighting in the streets outside the schools. After all, we were growing up and that's what boys do at that age. My nose was broken three times. It's a part of growing up.

How do we solve the problem? Our schools will be able to identify the problem students if they add discipline to the classroom. Currently, problem students are hiding in a crowd of students that do not follow the rules. Since we are the only country on earth that has this problem, we might consider the fact that we are too liberal with the rights of our children. A Marine Boot Camp environment for the boys would defiantly solve the problem and there would be no more deaths. All the boys and girls that have died for no reason wish that we had solved this problem years ago.